Matrescence – What it Is & why it’s important


You may have heard of the term in passing before, you may be familiar with it or discovering my business name ‘Moons Of Matrescence’ may be the first time this word has entered your consciousness…

The term “Matrescence”, was conceived in the mid 1970’s by a revolutionary American Anthropologist know as Dana Raphael in a time where the voice of a woman was beginning to be recognised for its rightful significance. Dana Raphael’s pioneering work and research in both the birth space and field of women’s health, earned her the title; “Mother of the Mother’s”. Dana referred to the often difficult, dramatic and all-encompassing  transition to motherhood as “Matrescence”. Explaining its definition in comparison to adolescence… A natural transition that influences all aspects of one’s life and self.

Personally, I like to explain Matrescence as the developmental and transformational rite of passage that acknowledges the process of becoming a Mother; along with the mind, body and spiritual expansion that comes with it.

Matrescence is a unique process that is individual to the woman/birthing person experiencing the transformation itself. It is a rite of passage that can occur, reoccur (with each new child) and for some, can last a lifetime. Matrescence is a profoundly inward journey for most, that undeniably stirs a powerful change within (if not all) aspects of being a woman.

Whilst the peak of the initiation into Matrescence is generally considered as labour itself… This inward journey and transformation can begin from one’s pre-conception journey, pregnancy, birth, adoption, post-partum period and beyond. It is the experience that acknowledges the transient state of changing from a women to a mother. Often changing with it; your body, your brain, your values, your hormones, your connection to self and the world around you.

Like adolescence, this transition can be tumultuous for some women. Especially those who as a Maiden woman, had a strong sense of self, space and individuality. Matrescence is a rite of passage that is honoured too little for the profound impact it has on a woman becoming/unbecoming on her unique journey to Motherhood. Like many aspects of Motherhood, this transitional phase in one’s life is rarely supported with reverence it deserves.

The birth of Moons Of Matrescence is to help change that.

My intention with Moons Of Matrescence is to bring the needed reverence back to the rite of passage that is Matrescence and to simply weave sacred ceremony into the lives of women who cross my path while entering (or re-entering) motherhood. It is my equal intention to hold a compassionate space for women walking this path and who are feeling the waves of discomfort that Matrescence often upheaves.

Reminder: Just because a woman craved to be a mother, does not mean that Matrescence will be any less uprooting and/or overwhelming. However that’s not to say that this rite of passage can’t be blissful and complimenting as well. Every woman and every journey is unique.

It is incredibly important for a woman to be truly be seen, heard and held on this rite of passage, no matter what her experience may be. When we create a safe space to connect with women becoming mother’s, we create confident mothers in our community and these confident mothers are able to care for their children how they intended to.

So, as a village let us take the time together to earn a title alike Dana Raphael’s and begin to mother the mothers.



Yoni Steaming