Yoni Steaming

Yoni steaming, also referred to as vaginal steaming, is an ancient practice that has been used throughout the ages in many cultures to nourish the womb and honour the woman who rests on her steaming throne. Yoni steaming serves as an opportunity for you to reconnect to your body, your womb, your heart and yourself while simultaneously utilising the multitude of benefits from the plant medicine of which you choose.

Whilst Yoni steaming has been practiced by healers for many moons, it is the Maya lineage of which it originates; whose healers would utilise yoni steaming to address imbalances in the womb, menstruation irregularities, alleviate inflammation/tenderness after birth, to support the transition into menopause and to energetically cleanse the womb when needed.

The practice of Yoni Steaming is when a woman allows the gentle warmth of the herbal infused steam to permeate the exterior of her vagina while simultaneously receiving the benefits of this herbal steam that makes its way through the yoni and to the depths of one's uterus/pelvic bowl region. Ultimately, Yoni steaming is a gentle way to offer warmth infused with plant medicine to the tissues of the vagina, the cervix and ovaries.

How to Yoni Steam:

1. Place ⅓  cup of your organic herbs into a saucepan with filtered water (approx 3 cups of water pending on how big your bowl is and how much herbs you use - aka the more herbs you use, the more water you will generally use as well unless if you are looking for a stronger herbal infusion).
2. Add lid to saucepan.
3. Bring water to a soft boil for 5 minutes.
4. Turn off the heat, leaving the lid on the saucepan and allowing the herbs to steep for another 5 minutes.
5. Always carefully test the temperature of the steam before using it. Waiting until the steam feels comfortably warm rather than scalding hot.
6. Place your herbal infused water into your steaming bowl, and carefully wave your hand 8-10 inches above the water to ensure (once again) that it is not too hot.
7. Remove your underwear, find your comfortable seat above the water and drape a large blanket/towel around from your waist down to ensure no steam escapes.
8. Relax and take the time to enjoy a warm rolling heat until it begins to cool down or until you feel complete.

Please note: This is my personal way of Yoni Steaming after exploring different methods over the years, as there are definitely other approaches available. What I share may not be suitable for all. Whilst I use a little more than a ⅓ cup of herbs for my own Yoni steams, how much you use is completely up to you and meeting your Yoni’s individual needs. Please seek individualised advice from your holistic healthcare practitioner should you have any concerns. 

Tips for simple yet sacred Yoni Steaming:
1. Create a beautiful space that alivens your pleasure senses, where you will be steaming.
2. Press play our gentle Yoni Steam Bliss spotify playlist.
3. Keep yourself warm throughout the entire process, especially your feet - as the intention is to bring heat/yang into the body.
4. Gift yourself the presence to really absorb medicinal qualities of your Yoni steaming herbs and the patience to form a deep connection with your womb space, little by little.
5. Utilise the power of your breath, by inviting your breath to the depths of your womb and lower abdominal region. Exhale softly, as you invite stagnancy and energy you no longer wish to hold to be released with the breath.
6. Journal about your experience… How did it feel? What thoughts arrived in your stillness?

And lastly, I invite you to thank the herbs before offering them back to the land. Plants are our allies and our teachers, it’s important to us at Moons Of Matresence that we behold the reverence for their many gifts in the process of using/journeying with them. 

What if I don’t have a Yoni Steaming Stool?
There are many ways to utilise the sacred practice in the space of your home and without the use of a specific Yoni steaming stool. A few ideas:
You can carefully squat/kneel over your yoni steaming bowl, use a commode like chair or place your yoni steaming bowl to rest within your clean toilet. The toilet is my favourite recommendation if you do not own a Yoni stool/throne as it perfectly and gently opens the vulva to allow the steam to do it’s magic (most women’s bodies quite comfortably relax on the toilet as well, as it is a place your limbic brain associates with surrender). It is important to do whatever works best for you, is safe and aligns with the resources you have available.

When to mindfully consider Yoni Steaming:

Throughout the ages, Yoni/Vaginal steaming has been used to support and nourish the womb space in an array of capacities… Traditionally this sacred and ancient practice has been used to assist with the following:

  • When your Yoni/your body intuitively tells you TO steam.

  • Menstruation: ongoing general discomforts, painful periods (dysmenorrhea), irregular cycles, absence of period (amenorrhea), heavy clotting & dark blood at the beginning/end of the menstrual cycle. 

  • Endometriosis, PCOS &  fibroids.

  • Uterine prolapse, pelvic muscle tension & pelvic discomfort/pain. 

  • To support the cervical dysplasia & the relaxation of the vaginal canal/cervix.

  • To nurture the Yoni throughout postpartum, post early birth/miscarriage or post DNC.

  • To increase fertility, conscious conception & overall womb wellness.

  • To reduce vaginal dryness, painful sex & overall discomfort.

When to mindfully avoid Yoni Steaming:

  • When your Yoni/your body intuitively tells you NOT TO steam.

  • For the duration of your pregnancy.

  • After ovulating IF you have attempted to consciously conceive. 

  • While menstruating, bleeding or while you have an open wound in your pelvic region.

  • If you have an IUD/contraceptive device in place and/or genital piercings (remove piercings to avoid burning).  

  • Please refer to your own bodily knowledge and the support of a holistic healthcare practitioner if you have had a miscarriage/early birth or are freshly postpartum. 


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