After miscarriage/early birth… Holistic and practical replenishment
Early birth (commonly referred to as “miscarriage”) is often heart-breaking, complex and dealt with in isolation. Physiologically, early birth IS birth. However there is no living child, no/limited support, social stigma and the birthing mother/person does not have the high oxytocin levels typically produced (and needed) for the body and mind to heal.
Post-partum care is absolutely essential after experiencing early birth; especially with the additional layers of healing/repair needing to be honoured and replenished.
The statistics say that 1 in 4 pregnancies end in loss; yet a part of me wonders if the statistics are much higher than this due to often isolating nature of early birth in our Western culture and the shame/grief that often comes with such a loss.
When a person dies in our community – there is typically reverence, support and an unspoken understanding for the time and resources needed for those closest to grieve.
When a woman births her newborn baby – there is typically reverence, support and an unspoken understanding that the mother/birthing person will need time and resources to heal/recover.
Yet when there is both loss and birth combined – our Western culture often continues with their everyday life as if nothing has occurred and the expectations of the mother/birthing person remains “normal” as if a major rite of passage hasn’t just occurred… With many often returning to work a day or two later, grieving in silence and becoming further impacted by their loss in every sense (physiologically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually).
This blog is not intended to be a bible for all but rather a gentle and helpful resource to those experiencing miscarriage or healing from their early birth. The suggestions I share below are my favourite resources/wisdoms to replenish after early birth, that have either been shared with me by birthworker mentors or courses I have partaken as a doula; all of which view birth for the life-altering event that it is and focus on utilising Eastern approaches and wisdom for postpartum healing. Please use your discretion and consult your trusted health practitioners as needed.
Practices to support physiological early birth, bring warmth back to the uterus, encourage healthy blood flow within the uterus, to tonify Qi and welcome the body to begin the process of healing
- Moxibustion; (you can often buy a singular stick of moxa or a box of moxa sticks from your local acupuncturist/Chinese herbalist for anywhere between $5-25). If you attend an acupuncture appointment, it is highly likely your therapist will utilise moxa to support your healing within your treatment. Otherwise you can do so at home either by yourself or with the support of a loved one; focus on warming both sides of the ovaries and a circle around the navel.
- Yoni steaming; a practice to physiologically and spiritually honour your womb/the loss of your baby. Our blend “The Mother” is the perfect formulation of herbs to support the healing process, view our blend here. Please note yoni steaming is only recommended to be practiced once the uterus has been cleared and when you feel ready.
- Acupressure; on either side of the sacrum, the web between the thumb and pointer finger and upper traps. Of course there are other acupressure points to support your healing but these are what I’ve found most supportive for after one has experienced early birth.
- Castor oil packs; if you already own a castor oil pack, that’s perfect. Otherwise all you need is castor oil soaked on a natural cloth (e.g. made from organic cotton, wool or bamboo) and a heat pack/hot water bottle. Gently massage some castor oil across the abdomen, place your oil soaked cloth across your belly and your heat pack on top. Lie down with your castor oil treatment for 45 – 60 minutes.
- Rest; the most underestimated healing practice of all. Lie down as much as possible in the early days/weeks after your loss. Allowing yourself to be supported by others in your circle of friends and family, as much as you can.
- Herbal Sitz Bath; Whether you use our postpartum yoni steam blend (“The Mother”) or use our postpartum sacred soak with the added minerals and benefits of Zechstein magnesium + Himalayan salt… This practice and these herbs will support your physical healing of the womb and support nervous system care. See our Sacred Soak here.
- Gentle Bodywork; if it is accessible to you, I cannot emphasise the value of acupuncture enough. I invite you to book an appointment as soon and as regularly as you can with your TCM practitioner. If you’re on the southern end of the Gold Coast; I highly recommend Jess and her team at Nuwa Natural Health.
Craniosacral therapy either in conjunction with or separate to acupuncture is so gentle yet so supportive; especially for nurturing the nervous system after the body has experienced a traumatic event.
- Belly Binding & Wrapping; whether you use a traditional belly binder/wrap/rebozo or you utilise what you have at home (e.g. using a scarf or a sarong tied firmly around the pelvis and waist is perfect); this ancient practice is valued by Eastern and Western medicine for postpartum recovery. If you’d like to buy a traditional wrap, I LOVE Ibu Ayurveda’s.
Nourishment in the form of food, herbs and supplements
- Seaweed
- Raw/Wild Honey
- Beef Liver (Organic organ meats are so supportive for blood building and replenishment)
- Wild Caught Salmon
- Bone or Vegetable Broth (Homemade and fresh is best)
- Root Vegetables (well-cooked and after the uterus has cleared)
- Easily Digested Meals; Congee, Soup, Dahl (with activated lentils) etc.
- Chinese Red Dates (Jujube)
- Hibiscus Tea with Fresh Ginger Slices
- Ashwaganda or Shatavari
- Cardamom & Black Pepper (e.g. together in a Chai blend or gentle curry)
- Matrescence Tea
- The Mothers Blend by Foraged For You
Essentially, in the simplest terms; your body needs high quality, easily digested and nutrient dense food to heal. The list I’ve shared is not exclusive but they are some forms of nourishment that promotes mineral replenishment and are a potent way to begin the journey to healing the body as a whole.
For the heart – where the healing often occurs last
- Meditation; I am yet to find or create a guided meditation that feels perfect for those healing from early birth however, Insight Timer is a free app with a beautiful wide range of meditations to support you as you need; you can find two of my own free meditations on Insight Timer here.
- Acknowledgement; a loss was experienced and your body has at the very least gone through a major hormonal shift. Early birth/miscarriage is a completely unique experience for everyone who has walked this path yet the one thing I’ve witnessed that’s supported every single person/client I know who has experienced early birth, is acknowledgement.
Maybe that acknowledgement is having someone listen to you wholeheartedly, with presence, with love and neutrality OR maybe that acknowledgement comes in the form of ceremony for the rite of passage you are or have experienced (such as a Closing Ceremony).
Maybe that acknowledgement is in the form of professional support (e.g. a psychologist or a doula) OR maybe that acknowledgement is in the form of a loving person in your life.
If you are seeking professional support; I couldn’t recommend Mel from ‘Me and Mamahood’ and her counselling sessions enough. She is available for telehealth or in-person consults on the Northern Rivers.
However it looks for you, taking time to acknowledge your experience within yourself and with the support of others is so necessary.
Whilst it is so common to never feel completely “normal” again, it is important to take care of your body, emotions, mind and spirit. Loss, grief and birth are a monumental rite of passages that sometimes take years to process, heal or integrate.
So, my final invitation is to remind you that whatever you’re feeling or experiencing is more than valid. There is no right or wrong way to experience early birth; there’s only what’s best and meant for you.
My hope is that however you choose to move forward, is with your wellbeing at the forefront of your mind and with the support you wholeheartedly deserve.
Should you wish to receive the support of a post-partum doula for one off or ongoing support throughout your experience OR if you would like to gift this support to a loved one experiencing early birth/loss.
Please get in touch, I would love to prioritise this care in our community and be of service in this needed way.
With love,
Micaela x