Yoni Steaming without a stool
“How do I Yoni steam if I don’t have a Yoni steaming stool?”…
This might just be the most frequently asked question at Moons Of Matrescence; and for those of you who are unfamiliar with Yoni steaming, it makes so much sense that this is one of the first questions you think of.
Although our capitalist society likes to tell us otherwise; you DO NOT need the bells and whistles to incorporate traditional practices (such as Yoni Steaming) within your well-being regime.
In saying that…
I do personally LOVE my Yoni steaming stool and I do believe that they can enhance your steaming practice (especially if Yoni steaming becomes a regular ritual within your life). However, I also understand that Yoni steaming stools are an investment and that when you are wanting to experiment with a new practice, you don’t necessarily want to buy all the extra’s or you may not have the financial means to…
That’s why I’d love to share these tips with you, because it’s my hope that Yoni steaming DOES become a useful and normalised medicinal practice in our Western culture.
Here are 3 my favourite positions and ways to steam without using a Yoni Steaming stool:
The Resting Pose
What you’ll need for ‘The Resting Pose’:
- A heat resistant bowl for your herbs (stainless steel, glass or ceramic)
- A soft blanket or large towel to wrap around your waist and keep in the steam
- Something to lean on (I suggest using whatever is available to you; e.g. your couch, a chair, a few stacked bolsters or even using the end of your bed)
- Optional: a pillow or blanket to place under the knees
Finding your comfort in ‘The Resting Pose’:
- Have your blanket, pillows + Yoni Steam herbs waiting for you beside your choice of support to lean on.
- Once the herbs are at an enjoyable temperature for you to use, stand over your bowl and gently place one knee at a time onto the ground. Allowing the knees to be as wide as is comfortable for your body. Draw the toes behind the bowl, towards one another and allow your upper body to melt into the support in front of you.
- Finding your utmost comfort in this position will vary from person to person and sometimes from day to day. Listen to your body, soften your breath and adjust as you need. This gentle hip opener will invite flexibility to the hips, ankles and lower back as you simultaneously support your Yoni with the medicinal herbal blend of choice.
- Once you’ve found your comfort in this resting pose, don’t forget to drape your blanket/towel around the waist to keep the herbal steam enclosed.
2. The Kneeling Squat
This pose is very similar to the one listed above, except it is slightly more active due to the upper body being upright rather than resting on support. I love this pose when I need further emphasis on my breath or wish to connect deeper with my heartsease; as I will typically place one hand on my heart and one hand on my womb while steaming in this position.
What you’ll need for ‘The Kneeling Squat’:
- A heat resistant bowl for your herbs (stainless steel, glass or ceramic)
- A soft blanket or large towel to wrap around your waist and keep in the steam
- Something to lean on (I suggest using whatever is available to you; e.g. your couch, a chair, a few stacked bolsters or even using the end of your bed)
- Optional: a pillow or blanket to place under the knees
Finding your comfort in ‘The Kneeling Squat’:
- Have your blanket, pillows + Yoni Steam herbs infused and waiting for you where you’ve chosen to steam.
- Once the herbs are at an enjoyable temperature for you to use, stand over your bowl and gently place one knee at a time onto the ground. Allowing the knees to be as wide as is comfortable for your body. Draw the toes behind the bowl, towards one another and allow your upper body to find a straight spine with the vertebrae reaching tall/long.
- I typically prefer to place a pillow under each knee while in this position, before wrapping my blanket/towel around the waist to keep the herbal steam enclosed.
3. The Toilet Steaming Throne
The toilet is actually my favourite recommendation if you do not own a Yoni stool/throne as it perfectly and gently opens the vulva to allow the steam to do it’s magic (most women’s bodies quite comfortably relax on the toilet as well, as it is a place your limbic brain associates with surrender).
What you’ll need for ‘The Toilet Steaming Throne’:
- A toilet (hehe - just incase the name wasn’t obvious)
- A natural toilet bowl disinfectant (e.g. bicarb, vinegar and lemon juice)
- A heat resistant bowl for your herbs (I personally prefer a stainless steel mixing bowl), that is big enough for the bowl to rest in the toilet without touching the toilet water
Finding your comfort in ‘The Toilet Steaming Throne’:
TIP: Make sure your Yoni Steam bowl that will hold the herbs, actually fits in toilet and allows you to comfortably sit down BEFORE you pour the hot herbal mix inside.
- Give your toilet bowl and seat a good clean. You’ll be able to sink into a relaxed state of mind a lot easier when you know that you’re seated on a clean steaming throne.
- Once you’ve prepared your Yoni Steam herbs, carefully place your bowl into the basin of your toilet.
- Find your comfortable seat above the herbal steam (ensuring the temperature feels gentle yet warming for your Yoni) and gently wrap your blanket/towel to cover from the waist down.
There are SO many ways to steam without a stool. It is important to do whatever works best for you, is safe and aligns with the resources you have available. Whilst a Yoni Steaming Stool is a fabulous resource to invest in down the track; not having one should be the thing that deters you from the ancient and deeply support practice that is Yoni Steaming.
Purchase the highest quality and organic Yoni Steaming herbs, right here my love. Honour your womb with the rituals and reverence she deserves.
As always, I am here to answer any questions you may have regarding Yoni Steaming and look forward to supporting you as best as I can on your healing health journey.
With love,
Micaela x